Dinotshi offers a wide range of services relating to Occupational Health and Safety, which includes the following:
- Consultation to ensure Legal Compliance in terms of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, No 85 of 1993.
- Assistance with the development of Health and Safety Plans and Audit Tools
- Assistance with Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Audits.
- Provide accredited training in the following:
o Health and Safety Representative
o Holistic Overview of the OHS Act, Act No. 85 of 1993
o Office Safety
o Emergency Planning and Evacuation
o Incident Investigation
o Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment - Site visits/inspections to ensure compliance with client specifications
- Investigation of all incidents in terms of Section 24 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act. No. 85 of 1993
- Liaison with the Department of Labour
- Information sharing on important changes in the Act, Standards and Regulations
- The capacity to present a powerful blend of operational and business know-how integrated with sector-specific regulatory and risk management skills. Our experience is available to support ongoing safe and sustainable operation throughout the production cycle.
- We won’t just practice and deliver health and safety services, we will also continue providing highly relevant and up-to-date education and training. We believe in nurturing a strong safety culture and we put in our continuous effort to provide all our clients with a safe working environment.